Sunday, December 27, 2009

If everyone commits to giving me $5 for my birthday I could buy my new phone

So tomorrow, Monday December 28th, I will celebrate 35 years on this earth. The song "Seasons of Love" asks "How do you measure, measure a year?" My question – How do you measure 35? I have seen more than most in my life time. I have witnessed lives coming in to and leaving this world. I have actually seen a kid smoking weed get hit and floored by the mirror of a "short bus" and land on a girl throwing up at the bus stop before school. I have seen a sunset with my wife and a bottle of wine on the beach and a sunrise alone in unknown locations. I've given my phone number to a girl on a hundred dollar bill and been homeless and sleeping on top of Denny's without even a penny in my pocket. I have been loved by many and hated by more. I have climbed out of hell into a life that I wouldn't trade for anything. I guess we are just the sum of our experiences. I wish I had the time to sit here and recount all that I have seen. I am looking forward to going into this next 525,600 minutes with my wife, my daughter and the newest addition to our family. Think I am going to take a day off from writing tomorrow so that I can really enjoy my presence and presents. Before I go I just want to say thank you to my Mother and Father who made it possible for me to have the life I had (in so many ways) 'Nite Y'all


"Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had,

and what you've learned from them,

and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated."


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