Today was quiet. Not like boring quiet or sound quiet. Today was mind quiet. I had no worries or negative thoughts. Serenity. Calm.
I spent some one on one time with my son today. It was nice just to sit there with him. It is hard for me to be there sometimes. I don't really like hospitals. They freak me out. Kind like some people are scared of clowns or crowds. That's me and hospitals. I am only in them if I have to be. My son is a great reason, as is my wife. Not sure where this fear came from. I think it is a combination of things. First id say is the smell. That too cleans antiseptic smell. Just got the chills thinking about it. Second are the germs. I know its kinda counter intuitive because of the cleanliness, but the first place really sick people go is to the hospital. Third is……people die in hospitals. I know that "Death" itself isn't contagious but still……dead people. I can hear my dad in my head saying "don't know why you're scared of dead people. It's not like they can do anything to you". But to spend some time with my wife or son makes it bearable. 'Nite Y'all.
"You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.
For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind"
Dale Carnegie
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