Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lovin the Ladies

So tonight by request I will be talking about the wonderfulness of women.

At one point I thought my wife was pregnant this time with a girl, because I was prepared to be surrounded by women for the rest of my life.

Living with women is something that I've gotten used to over my 34 years on this planet. I lived with just my mother and sister growing up. Granted I did see my father, but my mother had custody of my sister and i. latter I lived with my aunt and two female cousins. Later I lived with my grandmother. My G-Ma is, in my eyes, the greatest woman I have ever met. She is the strongest most secure woman I have ever known. And now I live with my wife and daughter. So I have officially lived with women aged 1-95.

During a certain period of my life I thought I was an expert on women. I was the worst kind of man. The kind of man that I am afraid for my daughter to meet. Turns out I was just looking for a connection with someone but my definition of "connection was pretty skewed.

My father told me once that "there is something beautiful about all women. You just have to look for it." I believe him. Every woman I have ever met is beautiful in their own way. The one thing that sucks about that is some women know it and use it.

Well I know I was all over the place and I apologize. But for anyone who knows a woman knows the futility in tried to define them all. 'Nite Y'all.


"When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you.

And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman."(Spike to Buffy)

Joss Whedon

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