Monday, February 22, 2010


It takes no special talent to be hateful or tear someone down. Heck, I can do that without trying. Apparently I do this often. It seems that we as a people have this amazing ability to make others feel horrible. I find my environment so much more pleasant when I speak kindly of people. You can get a much more powerful response from the world by just saying something nice or working to stop negativity. Sure it takes a little work but the results will blow you away. Sometimes a little effort can change the world, or at least the little bubble of space we occupy in this world. I work with some people who will spent an entire shift saying negative things about procedure or guests or even about co-workers. I try to keep negativity away from me at work. Some people won't even say bad things around me anymore. Don't be fooled. I am just as guilty of this sometimes, but the difference is I don't like doing it. Sometimes I just get caught up in the moment. But every day I try to better myself and the world around me and maybe some others will catch on. 'Nite Y'all.


"From the backstabbing co-worker to the meddling sister-in-law, you are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead. Take control and choose to focus on what is important in your life. Those who cannot live fully often become destroyers of life."

Anais Nin

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