Saturday, February 20, 2010

It’s all your fault

So when I got off work earlier I was in the car and my daughter tells me she left her doll at a baby shower they were at today. I empathize and tell her sorry. She tells me, "you don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault. I'm the one who left it there." My four year old took responsibility for what she did. Granted it doesn't happen all the time but it amazes me the she can do something more than half of the people ii work with can't do. Even me for that matter. Sometimes I just want to blame anyone or anything but myself. Thank you darling for showing me that it is so esay a four year old can do it. 'Nite y'all.


"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of."

 Jim Rohn

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