For a while earlier, I was overwhelmed by fear, frustration, and sadness all at once. I was sitting on the couch studying when I realized how quiet it was. Quiet is not good when there is a four year old in the house. I get up to check on her and as I start to walk down the hall, I smell this strong smell and my heart sinks. I start freaking out immediately. When I walk into the bathroom, my daughter is standing there wiping of her forehead with wet toilet paper. She had been wiping her face with nail polish remover. Why, you might ask? It was because she had painted her face with nail polish. It is a little funny as I sit here typing this, but at the time I was panicking. I slowly started putting all the puzzle pieces together. First, I panicked that she was using the polish remover, and then as I looked at her face I thought she had burned her skin with it. I soon realized it was just nail polish. My heart was pounding and I act very rash and kinda raise my voice trying to explain how dangerous it was. Now, she is crying and I'm on the verge of tears and she says to me, "you make me said because you are making Connor not come home." This floored me it was all I could do to hold myself together. after a wile I calmed down and went to talk to her. I explained how she had scared me. it was a pretty emotional night. Can't wait to see how crazy it gets after my son comes home on Tuesday. 'Nite Y'all.
"We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites are called panic."
Cullen Hightower quotes
Hi. I'm just discovering your blog. With this post I'm struck by the sensitive and accurate way you describe the worries, sweetness, and gravity of parenting. I went back through some earlier entries and I'm sure I'll be back to read some more; there's a clarity and honesty about your writing. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your life.