So I had mentioned a couple days ago that I was helping to clear out my mother's storage unit. Well we found a bunch of old photos. Things seemed so great back then. I've been thinking a lot about how I ended up from there to here. Funny thing about pictures is that usually people are always smiling in them. Everything is perfect in a picture. You were never being called stupid while pictures were taken. There are not moments of anguish captured in time. Only joyful moments. How much I wish that that we could live in photos, but we get to live in this place called the real world. A place where we have to deal with our pasts and presents. Where we get to reflect on where we went wrong and how we fix our now.
Old pictures are great but I have to remember that I can't relive or change anything that happened before. So I am focused on today. And today I have a test. Pretty sure I'll do fine on it. Just might not get as high a score as I would like. I've found that I've turned into somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to school. I know that I'm not perfect but, man, do I strive for it. My teachers think I'm great. Always helping others and I have a firm grasp of the material. I've helped people in my class and seen that little light bulb go off and see their eyes light up. That is a great feeling when you help someone "get it".
"Look up and not down. Look forward and not back. Look out and not in, and lend a hand."
Edward Everett Hale
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